Being in this industry for donkey's year i have always been familier with the hazards of stress governing health, mental attitude, career, relationship and life. knowing all theories never found true and practical solutions to handling it. QA is the way to practically live this philosophy.
I always realised that I have great potential and ability in all that I do, but the disappointing factor was that capacity. I got attracted to QA to trace this block and unlock it. The concepts, modules practised with QA changed the perspective of my life and my goals and ambitions started getting fulfilled at my fingertips
Q A gave me a new birth. Before being a part of all this i was struggling with life on all fronts. Life was miserable and hopeless. All that QA has contributed to my life is endless, but the most important thing that this process envoked within me was my confidence and ability to face any situation in life and solve it positively
Since long i have had a keen inclination towards spirituality and my search was always on to find solutions to my problems and answers to my questions.This quest guided me to many different paths, but no where was i satisfied.Destiny guided me and i was blessed to meet a dynamic personality like DR. PRADEEP PAWAR.